Payment of Orders

We require payment before you collect, or we post, your order. We only accept payment by credit or debit card through one of our secure payment providers. This offers the benefit of transparency and refund to your account in the event of any dispute or product return.

We provide more information below about how we keep your payment information safe and secure. 

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Encryption

Our website utilizes SSL encryption to establish a secure connection between the your web browser and our server. When a you visit our website, SSL ensures that all data transmitted between your browser and our server is encrypted and remains private. This encryption prevents malicious third parties from intercepting and accessing sensitive information such as personal details, login credentials, and payment information.

HTTPS Protocol

Our website enforces the use of HTTPS protocol across all pages, not just during the checkout process. This ensures that all communication between the your browser and our server is encrypted, providing end-to-end security for all website interactions.

Secure Payment Gateway

Our website integrates with reputable and secure payment gateways to process customer payments. These payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, or Authorize.Net, are trusted third-party services that specialize in securely handling online transactions. When a customer makes a purchase on our website, they are redirected to the payment gateway's secure payment page. Here, the customer enters their payment details (credit card information, billing address, etc.) directly into the payment gateway's interface. This ensures that sensitive payment information never touches our website's server, reducing the risk of data breaches.


Many payment gateways also employ tokenization, a security measure that replaces sensitive payment information with unique tokens. These tokens are meaningless to anyone who intercepts them, thus reducing the risk of data theft. 


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